Sunday, January 10, 2010

Project 300 and some odd....

So I'm going to try to take a picture a day. If I'm motivated they might even be any good. Since I rarely motivated this may not bode well for anyone watching. Here are the rules I'm setting down for myself. Since I tend to get discouraged and give up if I fall behind on things I'm going to Aim Low and shoot for 300 days of photos taken that day. On any days I miss I've decided I have to go back and see if I have a picture taken that day the year before. If so, that goes up. If not, then I have to go through and pick a random photo. Or I can steal one from someone else, but only if it's from an event I was at. So if I go out with a friend and they take pictures but I don't, I can steal :) But those won't count toward my 300. So in the end I'll have 365 photos and hopefully 300 of them will be done right. :D

Here's what I've got so far.

January 1

January 2

January 3

January 4
Random Gas Station giving away free apples for "Customer Appreciation Day"

January 5
The birds around our new feeder. I need a longer lens to really get a good one of them.

January 6

January 7
A photo of a photo of my husband and his mom :D This is thankfully after he had outgrown his droopy dog jowels. Our children have little hope of being cute babies...

January 8

January 9
My husband and our friend standing out on the patio at Sonic as we freeze to death waiting for 3 Rt 44 Ocean Waters :D

January 10
My leftover from the sundaes we got last night. Just ignore that cookbook in the background....

I'll have to fill in the missing ones later since I have no idea where my external hard drive is. :D


Elbee said...

Agreed on the lack of jowels. Thank goodness~!