Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm going back and forth on whether or not to put up a picture of myself. I have very good reasons for this that all stem from me being kinda bitchy.

Not in the "I won't post a picture because I'm better than you" bitch way but in the "I'm evil and judge people and decide whether I like them based on how they look" sort of way. And I don't particularly like it when people do that to me. CCD taught me better, I know "treat others the way you want to be treated" and it's times like this that being judgmental comes around to bite you in the ass. Don't get me wrong I won't not speak to someone or something it's just a first impression.

However, I suppose it's only fair that I subject myself to it, everyone else has. But I'll have you know, I'm picking a picture where I look damn good. Or maybe I'll pick one where I don't look so good so that any picture I post later look extra good. But I'm not telling which. it's for your own good. That way if I pick a wicked good one and you still think I'm fugly you can have hope that I picked a bad one and you're not wasting your time reading some ugly chicks blog. Decisions, decisions.

A change of ... 'ness?

I had such grand plans of how this was going to be my own little private diary and I'd write everything I did every day so I could look back on it years later and ... do something, I don't know reminisce and laugh at my silly little past self as I sip martinis.

That, however, sucked. There's no way I can bring myself to type out all the brain numbingly dull crap I do everyday. So instead this will be a regular blog. I won't say an average blog because while my life isn't very interesting and I don't have children to spice it up, I also don't suck as bad as most people. Usually. I hope.

Point here being- Don't bother going and reading previous posts unless you're looking for a way to put yourself into a catatonic state. The only interesting part of the posts would be the pictures...which I never got around to adding in. :)